Draycote Fly-Fishers Association
Welcome to the DFFA website
Welcome to the Draycote Fly-Fishers Association website. We use this site to provide information about what events we run and how to get the best out of your fishing visits to Draycote Water.
Note that we don't actually run the fishery - most of us fish there on a regular basis.
We have built this website to show what we do and share our knowledge about how to make the most of a trout-fishing visit to Draycote Water. We encourage you to explore our website by using the tabs at the top of the page. Below we have contact details if you have any enquiries or wish to join us.
Our Next Events
Tuesday 12th February
Regular Club Meeting at the Dunchurch Social Club
Talk: "The fishing prospects at Draycote for 2025"
7.30pm start.
Fishing reopening update December 2024
We had a very constructive phone call with Anglian Water on 13th December. They are keen to work with Draycote Fly-Fishers Association to our mutual benefit. They are making good progress with the negotiations and have had positive engagement with Severn Trent. There remains some negotiation points to be finalised.
AW anticipate opening on 1st April 2025, or as near to that date as they can. The exact opening date depends on several factors including the timing of the first opportunity to stock fish into the water. The season will close on 31st January 2026 and then reopen in March 2026 (precise date TBC).
Stocking levels will be broadly in line with the previous fishery management. It is expected that 29,000 fish will be stocked in Draycote in 2025.
The arrangements and pricing for Draycote will be in common with the other AW fisheries. All bookings will be online, site staff are able to assist anglers unable to book online or wishing to pay cash. Online booking will include the booking of car passes for bank anglers. There will still be a restriction on 30 cars per day.
Anglers will be able to park in the main car park with the closest access being at the metal barrier just before the café/retail shop. Anglers will not be able to access the pontoon with vehicles for parking or pickup/drop-off. The nearest access will be the disabled spaces where we would usually park to sign out.
There will be a fishery lodge and retail outlet on site, with the existing one available for the
2025 season. Daily opening hours are to be finalised but assumed to be as previous.
Bank angling will continue, although prospects for Hensborough Dam are still unclear, as is the issue of raising the water levels, but this is not believed to be imminent.
Predator fishing will be a new activity on Draycote, from boats only. Fly fishing for pike will be permitted from 1st May, with lure fishing (NOT spinners) from 1st September. Predator anglers will be allowed to use saltwater dead baits from 1st October until the end of the season. No mixed methods fishing is allowed, i.e. both anglers in the boat have to be targeting predators.
We will continue to liaise with Anglian Water and communicate any updates as we receive them
Club Caps now available
Club caps are now available to buy at our members meetings and matches. Member's price is £10 per cap. Non-member's can purchase one at £15.
07855 164761
For any enquiries you can either use the email address above or fill in the enquiry form.
A big thanks to all our members who spent money on our charity auction night on 12th March. We raised £350 for the Air Ambulance from the proceeds of the event.